Popular Windows Search Utility "Everything" Blocked by Microsoft

Despite not being a kernel driver, Microsoft has added the Everything search app from voidtools to their Recommended Driver Block Rules in the January 14, 2025 Windows security update. Trying to run the Everything.exe is prevented with the message, A certificate was explicitly revoked by its issuer. Discussion around the issue first showed up on the voidtools forums a couple of weeks ago, with the cause being brought out on January 16.
Looking into the newly updated blocklist shows voidtools as being added:
<Signer ID="ID_SIGNER_VOIDTOOLS" Name="voidtools (Thumbprint: 4DA2AD938358643571084F75F21AFDDD15D4BAE9)">
<CertRoot Type="TBS" Value="2AAA2A578BDEB2F1DBAAE27B6358B87D14143B7FA98518A6AC576172677225AC"/>
Some Everything users have found a way to remove the certificate signature from the Everything executable to temporarily work around the block.
Is Microsoft overreaching by blocking a well-known search utility?