Screensaver Operations News - March 2013

Thanks for the suggestions everyone. What’s in the pipeline? This:
UPDATE (2013-04-02): 1.4 was completed last week; we just are working getting the proper installer file(s) working. Expect it out this week.
UPDATE (2013-04-05): 1.4 has been released. ADM files are in the works still. Note that following Microsoft's installations standards has forced us to create separate 32-bit and 64-bit MSI installers. Both versions should upgrade the previous 1.3 install without issues (assuming you previously used the MSI to install).
- Official release of SSO 1.4
- I’ve been trying to do coding here and there in the little free time I have right now. I am planning on releasing 1.4 sometime this month. Yay!
- A number of requests have already been implemented in the beta ( and the as-of-yet unreleased code has a few more already completed. I have only a couple more things to pop in, including a variable naming conflict that a forum poster found in the beta.
- Some requests are a little trickier to implement due to staying with the older .NET 2.0 (e.g., capturing mouse clicks outside the program window), but this is worth it IMO to prevent those still running older versions of Windows like XP from having to install.NET framework runtimes.
- ADMX/ADML files for Group Policy: While I think using registry collections in GPP is simple enough, especially with the registry locations now being the same in version 1.4 for both 32-bit & 64-bit Windows, I am going to create some Group Policy Settings files for SSO due to all the requests. If anyone knows of a better free ADMX editor than the ADMX Migrator tool ( let me know!
- Some have wondered about adding to the project. If there are any experienced coders out there who would like to work on the code, I’d be happy to work with them (contact me here). I’m also willing to share the source code if someone needs to review it before deploying; you can change anything for use within your organization, but I ask that you not publicly post any source files for the time being. If I ever stop working on the project, I’ll upload the source code under an open & royalty free license.
- Hate to plug this, but the advertising on this site is minimal and [hopefully] unobtrusive; it honestly doesn’t come close to covering even the hosting costs. I know most admins out there have trained themselves to completely ignore ads, but please take a quick glance over at them once in a while to see if you find them interesting. Please don’t go spam clicking on them though! The SSO page also has a donate button on the bottom of the page if you would like to donate anything.
- Finally, a reminder that I may not see comments posted to stories or the download pages. Please submit any suggestions, issues, questions, etc. to us using to e-mail me or by posting on the forums.
Tag: the grim admin microsoft windows screensaver group policy