Screensaver Operations 2.0 & 1.6.3 Released!

Scripts & Tools

This popular screensaver utility has been updated! Two versions have been released:

1.6.3 (2020-06-15) - The final version that runs natively on older operating systems, requiring either .NET 2 or 3.5.

  • General
    • Huge rewrite of a number of parts of the application to increase stability and remove some rare error messages.
  • Bug/Security Fixes
    • Hid action button if option "CancelOnMouseMove" is enabled.
    • Fixed issue where you can't have both "CancelOnMouseClick" and "CancelOnMouseMove" enabled at the same time.

2.0.3 (2020-06-15) - Includes all the updates from version 1.6.3 and has been converted to run natively on newer operating systems.

Download the latest versions of Screensaver Operations

Tag: the grim admin microsoft windows screensaver

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