
  • Category: Grim Downloads File Searcher By Owner
  • Submitted by: Seker
NOTE: This is the final version that will be released that is natively compatible with older .NET versions 2.0 & 3.5. If you are on a newer version of Windows (8.1/Server 2008 SP2 or newer), please download the 2.x version of FSBO.

File Searcher by Owner is the number one utility for finding files and folders owned by a particular user or group. This version is zipped for easy download.

This download will run natively on older operating systems such as Windows XP, 2008 & 2008 R2. It will also run on machines running newer versions of Windows that have installed .NET Framework 3.5 (which includes .NET Framework 2.0 service pack 1 and .NET Framework 3.0 service pack 1).
Version: :
Date: Jun.15.2020
Downloads: 9,721
File Size: 70.07 kb
Comments:  12
I like it

I like this, too.
I would like to ask, if you have the time and will to implement 2 things:
save the path in ini file or such and prefill the user field with the logged on user or just save this info in the ini file, too.

You did what Microsoft missed for a long time.
Thank you very much for creating it. I can't believe that Microsoft doesn't have their own way of doing this but thank god for people like you. Keep up the good work!
Been looking for just this type of program.

All network admins should have this tiny app to help them eliminate those left over files from seeing the Quota usages,

Thank you very much.
You just saved my network!
You just save my servers!
thanks so much, best utility ever, it works perfectly and searches very quickly! thanks so much
I cannot tell you how many times I use this. As I reach my quota, I can go out and find where others are using copies of files with my user name (and counting towards my quota). Thank you for putting together such a great function that ought to be native to operating systems!
I love tools that solve a problem easily and simply, without a lot of useless features.
This is one of those.

We had a workstation on our network contaminated with CryptoWall virus.
So I needed to find all files that were encrypted by the virus.
Fortunately they were all encrypted under the user context of the person on that workstation.
All I had to do was use this tool to find files belonging to that user.

No other tool searches for user name and prints full path!
(even Windows ports of UNIX find command seem not to work for this job, though they should)

Thanks for saving my life!
Very helpful!
Link is dead. Can someone help?