Screensaver Operations - ChangeLog
Current Version
Version 2.0.3 (2020-06-15)
- General
- New major version 2.x.
- Upgrade .NET to 4.5.1.
- Bug/Security Fixes
- Includes all the updates from version 1.6.3.
- New Features
- None in this release.
Known Issues
- [Minor] Not all registry values are validated before loading; make sure your settings are checked for errors and tested before being pushed out.
Upcoming Features
- None on the working block. Let us know what you'd like to see!
Version History
Version 1.6.3 (2020-06-15)
- General
- Huge rewrite of a number of parts of the application to increase stability and remove some rare error messages.
- Bug/Security Fixes
- Hid action button if option "CancelOnMouseMove" is enabled.
- Fixed issue where you can't have both "CancelOnMouseClick" and "CancelOnMouseMove" enabled at the same time.
- New Features
- None in this release.
Version 1.5.4 (2017-06-27)
- General
- README updates and corrections.
- Bug/Security Fixes
- Minor text clarifications and graphical interface changes to the Configuration window.
- New Features
- Added: Background Opacity option to the Configuration window.
Version 1.5 (2017-05-30)
- General
- README updates and corrections.
- Bug/Security Fixes
- Fixed issue where when enabling RunProcessEnabled, the default title and message texts were incorrect.
- [Window XP & Windows Server 2003 Only] When using the RunProcessEnabled flag, older versions of Windows (XP, 2003) close the process when the screensaver ends. This is due to multiple factors. Windows XP, etc. closes child processes along with the screensaver. It also puts the screensaver in a separate Virtual Desktop and kills all processes in that desktop when the screensaver ends! We have implemented a workaround and running a process in older versions of Windows should work. This issues took many days to fix so we are glad that we got it to work!
- Changed action button on process run to "Start Now" rather than "Start Process Now" (which was cut off as it only showed "Start Process").
- Opens "Configure" properly from right-click context menu on SCR file.
- Fixed some issues with double-quotes in process path or process argument.
- Fixed issue where sometimes the Keyboard Filter "DisableSpecialKeys" would crash the program when a special key (e.g., the Windows key) was pressed.
- New Features
- Added: BackgroundOpacity registry value - Setting allows you to modify background opacity from the default of 75%. Some organizations might want to completely hide content. Note that this setting is not yet available from the Configuration GUI and can only be set via registry and ADMX.
- Added: A "Snow" Easter Egg. See the README for more information. :-)
Version 1.4 (2013-04-05)
- General
- Minor adjustments to some message boxes.
- Minor codebase adjustments for better processing flow.
- README updates and corrections.
- Removed: The built-in README has been removed to reduce filesize.
- Bug/Security Fixes
- Fixed incorrect label description for some actions when custom text is set.
- Fixed "Custom Message" textbox in configuration window not being greyed out when "LocalMachineOverride" is enabled.
- New Features
- The same SCR file runs both 32-bit & 64-bit natively!
- This means there's no longer the Wow6432node registry mess on 64-bit systems and you can put settings at "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\\Screensaver Operations" for both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.
- Don't Worry: It will still pull settings from the Wow6432node registry key for backwards compatibility if you don't have settings at "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\\Screensaver Operations".
- New Hibernate & Sleep options for EWX_ExitFlag:
- Suspend: 90
Hibernate: 91
Force Suspend: 94
Force Hibernate: 95
- Suspend: 90
- New variables that can be used in custom messages:
- %time_elapsed% - Displays the time elapsed in seconds.
%time_elapsed_h% - Displays the hours component of the time elapsed in H:M:S format.
%time_elapsed_m% - Displays the minutes component of the time elapsed in H:M:S format.
%time_elapsed_s% - Displays the seconds component of the time elapsed in H:M:S format.
%time_elapsed_hp% - Displays the hours component of the time elapsed in two-digit padded HH:MM:SS format.
%time_elapsed_mp% - Displays the minutes component of the time elapsed in two-digit padded HH:MM:SS format.
%time_elapsed_sp% - Displays the seconds component of the time elapsed in two-digit padded HH:MM:SS format.
%user_name% - Shows the currently logged on user's username.
%user_domain_name% - Shows the current user's domain name.
%machine_name% - Shows the current computer name.
- %time_elapsed% - Displays the time elapsed in seconds.
- Added: HideActionButton registry value - Optionally remove the Action Button from the screensaver dialog window.
- Added: CustomTitleText registry value - You can now display custom text in the title rather than one of the default titles.
- Added: CancelOnMouseClick registry value - EXPERIMENTAL setting that enables the ability to cancel the screensaver when a mouse button is clicked.
- Added: CancelOnMouseMove registry value - EXPERIMENTAL setting that enables the ability to cancel the screensaver when the mouse is moved.
- The same SCR file runs both 32-bit & 64-bit natively!
Version 1.3 (2011-02-01)
- General
- Minor adjustments & corrections to README file.
- Bug/Security Fixes
- Fixed issue where screensaver would force log off rather than wait for programs to gracefully exit even when the force setting was not applied.
- Adjusted "Close" button on README window so it no longer docks to the wrong edges.
- Fixed issue where MSI installer wouldn't remove files during uninstall if the latest install had upgraded a previous install.
- New Features
- New variables that can be used in custom messages:
- %time_remaining_h% - Displays the hours component of the time remaining in H:M:S format.
%time_remaining_hp% - Displays the hours component of the time remaining in two-digit padded HH:MM:SS format.
%time_remaining_m% - Displays the minutes component of the time remaining in H:M:S format.
%time_remaining_mp% - Displays the minutes component of the time remaining in two-digit padded HH:MM:SS format.
%time_remaining_s% - Displays the seconds component of the time remaining in H:M:S format.
%time_remaining_sp% - Displays the seconds component of the time remaining in two-digit padded HH:MM:SS format.
- %time_remaining_h% - Displays the hours component of the time remaining in H:M:S format.
- New variables that can be used in custom messages:
Version 1.2 (2010-12-02)
- General
- Versioning control adjustment for easier checking at a glance.
- Added to README how to configure screensaver via registry.
- Combined standalone and Windows Installer (MSI) versions into one download.
- Bug/Security Fixes
- Fixed crash when shutting down under the 'Guest' account in Windows 7.
- Removed bogus default filename from Run Process browse dialog.
- Fixed cosmetic issue where when running with DelayInSeconds set to 0, a dialog will pop up for a split second.
- New Features
- Alternative shutdown/logoff method in case non-typical permission settings prevent the preferred calls from working correctly.
- Added README as built-in feature viewable from the configuration form.
Version (2010-10-13)
- General
- Minor adjustments & corrections to README file.
- Bug/Security Fixes
- Fixed crash in configuration window when alphabetic characters were entered as a delay time.
- New Features
- Adjustable message font size.
Version (2010-09-21)
- General
- Multi-screen support (screen dimming covers all displays).
- Bug/Security Fixes
- None
- New Features
- Option to choose whether or not to disable special keys and key combinations such as the Windows Key, Alt+Tab, Ctrl+Esc, etc. Does not disable Ctrl+Alt+Del or Alt+F4.
Version (2010-09-18)
- General
- Initial release
- Bug/Security Fixes
- n/a
- New Features
- n/a